Extensive Training and Employment Options
The Greene County Board of Developmental Disabilities Adult Services Division opened the Atrium Center in November, 2009. The Atrium is a 20,000 square-foot, state of the art rehabilitation facility that houses diverse classrooms, a School of Cooking, and a spacious cafeteria while providing services and supports for people with lifelong disabilities.
Greene, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, provides extensive training and employment options for adults in Greene County with developmental disabilities. A strong employment approach to services is the focus of the organization.
Greene, Inc. operates business enterprises to train and employ persons with developmental disabilities.
Greene, Inc. is a major provider of Secure Document Destruction and Commercial Laundry Services. The Business Enterprises of Greene, Inc. provide a well-trained, quality workforce that provides reliable and essential services to Miami Valley businesses and organizations.
For a more extensive understanding of Greene Inc. and the employment options it has available, please visit its web site at: www.greeneinc.org.
Adult Services Additional Information
Adult Services Division
121 Fairground Road
Xenia, Ohio 45385
Ph: (937) 562-4200
Fax: (937) 376-8544