
State law identifies who may serve as members of county DD Boards. Ohio Revised Code 5126.02 states that the Board shall consist of 7 members –

  • 5 Appointed by the county commissioners
  • 2 Appointed by the county probate judge

Each member must be a county resident. Of the five appointed by the county commissioners, at least two shall be parents of persons eligible to receive and/or currently receiving services provided by the Board.

Of the two members appointed by the probate judge, at least one shall be a member of the family of a person eligible for or currently receiving services in a public or private residential facility subject to regulation or licensure by Board.

The members of the board shall, as nearly as possible, reflect the composition of the population of the county. All board members shall be persons interested and knowledgeable in the field of developmental disabilities and other allied fields. Both the board of county commissioners and the probate judge shall appoint under this section, to the maximum extent possible, members who fulfill any applicable requirements for appointment and who also have professional training and experience in business management, finance, law, health care practice, personnel administration, or government service.

All are appointed for a four (4) year term.